Laureano Martínez
Unidad/es de investigación: FCAG - IALP
Grado académico: Dr. en Astronomía
Postdoc fellow of CONICET at FCAG - UNLP.
Research Interests:
I am currently doing my PhD in astronomy at the University of La Plata (UNLP) investigating the physical and explosion properties of type II supernovae under the supervision of Melina Bersten. My main research interests are the study of core-collapse supernovae of different types from light-curve modelling. I am also interested in the evolution of massive stars.2024
The progenitor of SN 2023ixf from hydrodynamical modeling Autores: -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Orellana, Mariana Dominga -Folatelli, Gaston -Martinez, Laureano -Piccirilli, María Pía -Regna, Tomás Agustín -Román Aguilar, Lili Michelle Ertini, Keila Yael Fecha: 01/01/2024Circumstellar interaction models for the early bolometric light curve of SN 2023ixf Autores: -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Folatelli, Gaston -Orellana, Mariana Dominga Ertini, Keila Yael Fecha: 01/01/20242023
SN 2021gno: a calcium-rich transient with double-peaked light curves Autores: -Ertini, Keila Yael -Folatelli, Gaston -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Anderson, J. P. -Ashall, Chris -Baron, Edward -Bose, S. -Brown, P. J. -Burns, C. -DerKacy, J. M. -Ferrari, Lucía -Galbany, Lluís -Hsiao, Eric -Kumar, S. -Lu, J. -Mazzali, P. -Morrell, Nidia Irene -Orellana, Mariana Dominga -Pessi, Priscila Jael -Phillips, M. M. -Piro, A. L. -Polin, A. -Shahbandeh, M. -Shappee, B. J. -Harvey, L. -Nicholl, M. -Paraskeva, E. -Young, D. R. Englert, B. Fecha: 01/09/2023Broad-emission-line dominated hydrogen-rich luminous supernovae Autores: -Pessi, Priscila Jael -Anderson, J. P. -Folatelli, Gaston -Dessart, L. -González Gaitán, S. -Möller, A. -Gutiérrez, C. P. -Mattila, S. -Reynolds, T. M. -Charalampopoulos, P. -Filippenko, A.V. -Galbany, Lluís -Gal Yam, A. -Gromadzki, M. -Hiramatsu, D. -Howell, D. A. -Inserra, C. -Kankare, E. -Lunnan, R. -Martinez, Laureano -McCully, C. -Meza, N. -Müller Bravo, T. E. -Nicholl, M. -Pellegrino, C. -Pignata, G. -Sollerman, J. -Tucker, B. E. -Wang, X. Young, D. R. Fecha: 01/08/20232022
Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I: II. Physical parameter distributions from hydrodynamical modelling Autores: -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Anderson, J. P. -Hamuy, Mario -González Gaitán, S. -Förster, F. -Orellana, Mariana Dominga -Stritzinger, Maximilian -Phillips, M. M. -Gutiérrez, C. P. -Burns, C. -Contreras, C. -de Jaeger, T. -Ertini, Keila Yael -Folatelli, Gaston -Galbany, Lluís -Hoeflich, Peter -Hsiao, Eric -Morrell, Nidia Irene -Pessi, Priscila Jael Suntzeff, Nicholas B. Fecha: 01/04/2022Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I: I. Bolometric light curves of 74 SNe II using uBgVriYJH photometry Autores: -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Anderson, J. P. -Hamuy, M. -González Gaitán, S. -Stritzinger, M. D. -Phillips, M. M. -Gutiérrez, C. P. -Burns, C. -Contreras, C. -de Jaeger, T. -Ertini, Keila Yael -Folatelli, Gaston -Förster, Francisco -Galbany, Lluís -Hoeflich, Peter -Hsiao, Eric -Morrell, Nidia Irene -Orellana, M. -Pessi, Priscila Jael Suntzeff, Nicholas B. Fecha: 01/04/2022Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I: III. Understanding SN II diversity through correlations between physical and observed properties Autores: -Martinez, Laureano -Anderson, J. P. -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Hamuy, Mario -González-Gaitán, S. -Orellana, M. -Stritzinger, M. D. -Phillips, M. M. -Gutiérrez, C. P. -Burns, C. -de Jaeger, T. -Ertini, Keila Yael -Folatelli, Gaston -Förster, F. -Galbany, Lluís -Hoeflich, Peter -Hsiao, Eric -Morrell, Nidia Irene -Pessi, Priscila Jael Suntzeff, Nicholas B. Fecha: 01/04/2022Carnegie Supernova Project: Kinky i-band light curves of Type Ia supernovae Autores: -Pessi, Priscila Jael -Hsiao, E. Y. -Folatelli, Gaston -Anderson, J. P. -Burns, C. R. -Uddin, S. -Galbany, L. -Phillips, M. M. -Morrell, N. -Ashall, C. -Baron, E. -Contreras, C. -Hamuy, M. -Hoeflich, P. -Krisciunas, K. -Kumar, S. -Lu, J. -Martinez, Laureano -Piro, A. L. -Shahbandeh, M. -Stritzinger, M. D. Suntzeff, N. B. Fecha: 01/03/20222020
Progenitor properties of type II supernovae: fitting to hydrodynamical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods Autores: -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Anderson, J. P. -González Gaitán, S. -Förster, F. Folatelli, Gaston Fecha: 01/08/2020DES16C3cje: A low-luminosity, long-lived supernova Autores: -Gutiérrez, C. P. -Sullivan, M. -Martinez, Laureano -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Inserra, C. -Smith, M. -Anderson, J. P. -Pan, Y. -C. -Pastorello, A. -Galbany, Lluís -Nugent, P. -Angus, C. R. -Barbarino, C. -Carollo, D. -Chen, T. -W. -Davis, T. M. -Della Valle, M. -Foley, R. J. -Fraser, M. -Frohmaier, C. -González Gaitán, S. -Gromadzki, M. -Kankare, E. -Kokotanekova, R. -Kollmeier, J. -Lewis, G.F. -Magee, M.R. -Maguire, K. -Möller, A. -Morrell, Nidia Irene DES Collaboration Fecha: 13/06/2020Masa del progenitor de la SN 2018aoq: compatibilidad entre modelo hidrodinámico y detecciones directas Fecha: 01/01/20202019
Mass discrepancy analysis for a select sample of Type II-Plateau supernovae Fecha: 16/09/2019Comparison of the optical light curves of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-poor type II supernovae Autores: -Pessi, Priscila Jael -Folatelli, Gaston -Anderson, J. P. -Bersten, Melina Cecilia -Burns, C. -Contreras, C. -Davis, S. -Englert Urrutia, Brenda Nahir -Hamuy, M. -Hsiao, Eric -Martinez, Laureano -Morrell, Nidia Irene -Phillips, M. M. -Suntzeff, N. Stritzinger, M. D. Fecha: 11/07/2019
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