Lili Michelle Roman Aguilar

Lili Michelle Roman Aguilar Unidad/es de investigación: FCAG – IALP Grado académico: Lic. en Astronomía Biografía Research Interests: Analysis of Supernovae with Broad Lines and their connection with Gamma Ray Bursts. PhD Student at FCAG – UNLP under a CONICET studentship. PhD Students |

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Lucía Ferrari

Lucía Ferrari Unidad/es de investigación: FCAG – IALP Rol dentro de la unidad de investigación: Lic. en Astronomía Biografía PhD Student at FCAG – UNLP.Research Interests:Nebular spectroscopy of supernovae. Producción científica en CONICET 2022 Late-time H/He-poor Circumstellar Interaction in the Type Ic Supernova SN 2021ocs: An Exposed Oxygen-Magnesium Layer and Extreme Stripping of the […]

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Keila Ertini

Keila Ertini Unidad/es de investigación: FCAG – IALP Grado académico: Lic. en Astronomía Biografía PhD Student at FCAG – UNLP under a CONICET studentship.Research Interests:My research is focused  on the observational side of supernovae. My main interest is the relation between the early emission of core-collapse supernovae, in particular type IIb, and its progenitor […]

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