Type II supernovae from the Carnegie Supernova Project-I

In a series of three articles led by Laureano Martinez  and published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics we have analyzed the largest and most homogeneous database of observations of hydrogen-rich supernovae with the aim of knowing the properties of the stellar progenitors and the physical characteristics that gave rise to these explosions. Martinez, L., […]

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SuperVirtual 2021 – From Common to Exotic Transients

Since the beginning of the pandemic, and together with difficult times that severely impacted the global community, there has been a lack of real international dialogue prompting a gathering in our field to have a space to discuss current discoveries and results from both observations and theory. The SuperVirtual 2021 – From Common to Exotic […]

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SN2016gkg outreach publications

Some radio and television broadcasts were performed by the research team. Here you can find web posts (non-exhaustive list) about this exciting discovery. FCAGLP: http://www.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar/articulo/2018/2/21/investigadores_de_esta_facultad_lideran_un_trabajo_en_el_que_tuvo_decisiva_actuacion_un_aficionado_a_la_astronomia__es_publicado_hoy_en__nature_ CONICET: http://www.conicet.gov.ar/logran-captar-el-instante-preciso-de-la-explosion-de-una-estrella/ CCT: http://www.laplata-conicet.gov.ar/logran-captar-el-instante-preciso-de-la-explosion-de-una-estrella-2/ KAVLI IPMU: http://www.ipmu.jp/en/20180222-ShockBreakout Université Paris Diderot: https://recherche.univ-paris-diderot.fr/actualites/une-supernova-capturee-la-naissance CEA: http://www.cea.fr/presse/Pages/actualites-communiques/sciences-de-la-matiere/UN-ASTRONOME-AMATEUR-CAPTURE-LA-NAISSANCE-UNE-SUPERNOVA.aspx CEA-Dap/Sap: http://irfu.cea.fr/dap/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/ast.php?t=actu&id_ast=4280 http://irfu.cea.fr/dap/en/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/ast.php?t=actu&id_ast=4281 CNRS: http://www2.cnrs.fr/presse/communique/5449.htm UNRN: https://www.unrn.edu.ar/noticias/Astronomos-confirman-teoria-sobre-el-surgimiento-de-las-supernovas-64 Science News: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/supernova-amateur-astronomer-camera?tgt=nr Nature News and Comment: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02331-4 Washington Post: […]

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Workshop “Astrophysics of LIGO/Virgo sources in O3 era”

We participated in the workshop on “Astrophysics of LIGO/Virgo sources in O3 era” held at Kavli IPMU, Japan, on Jan 20-24, 2020. The meeting gathered a number of experts on GW sources and their progenitor systems. Dr. Melina, Dr. Gastón and Lic. Aldolfo participated in this very interesting event. Link to the workshop’s page.

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